Just read I guess
One day your gonna take a look around and realize everybody loves you, but no one likes you
I spend a lot of time with the real me and believe me, nobodys gonna love that guy
It is so cruel to let people love you. All your doing is promising you'll one day break their heart.
I Need To Go Take A Shower So I Can't Tell If I'm Crying Or Not.
I need you to tell me that I'm a good person. I know I can be selfish, and narcissistic, and self-destructive but underneath all that, deep down inside I'm a good person and I need you to tell me that I am a good person, please, please tell me I'm a good person.
Sometimes i feel like i was born with a leak, and any goodness i started with just slowly spilled out of me, and now it's all gone and i'll never get it back in me.
My life is a mess right now, and i compulsively take care of other people, when i don't know how to take care of myself
Here the secret to being happy, you just pretend that you are happy, and eventually you'll forget that you're pretending.
It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, but it's even longer to see it doesn't have to be that way
Their no shame in dying for nothing, that's why most people die