Images in literature occur when the writer describes something and that invokes or stimulate the reader's senses such as: hearing, smell, touch, sight or taste. This literary device is known as "imagery".
In "The Old Man and the Sea" accordingly:
1. (page nine, the 1st paragraph) describing the sail: "The sail was patched with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like the flag of permanent defeat"
2. Page 9, 2nd. paragrafh, describing the old man: "...The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck..."
3. When describing Santiago in (page 10), the writer says: "...except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful..."
4. In page 11, (a fishing memory) "...feeling the whole boat shiver and the noise of you clubbing him like chopping a tree down and the sweet blood smell all over me"
5. In page 25, (the smell of Africa) "He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought at morning".