1- Leaders within the Concilium Plebis --- Tribunes
The Tribune of the Plebs was a charge of the old Roman Republic that was chosen by the citizens who composed the plebs.
The Tribunes of the Plebs arose to defend the plebeians, (two in number at the beginning and increased over the years to reach a number of ten) from the Consuls, the Senate and the power of the Patricians as a whole.
2- One of two houses of the early Roman Republic, which consisted of regular, middle-class male citizens of Rome --- Citizen assembly
The Roman assemblies were a group of essential institutions in the government of Ancient Rome and, together with the Roman Senate, the main organs of political representation of the Roman people.
3- Members of Rome's richest and most important families --- Patricians
In Ancient Rome, the social order of the Patricians was composed of the descendants of the thirty primitive curiae. They were part of Rome's nobility.
4- A leader of the empire who collected the taxes and sent the money back to Rome --- Governor
The governor of a Roman province had many tasks to fulfill during his administration. First, he was responsible for taxes and the customs administration. Apart from these financial functions, the governor was the chief judge of the province. Finally, and most importantly, he commanded the military forces within the province.
5- The condition of being answerable to others --- Accountability