The concession that the United States received from North Vietnam in the Paris Peace Accords of 1973 was the release of American prisioners of war from North Vietnam.
Step-by-step explanation:
On January 27, 1973, the Paris Peace Accords were signed, consisting of 23 articles, which included, among others, the following points:
-Establishment of a ceasefire.
-Exchange of prisoners.
-Withdrawal of NVA troops from South Vietnam.
-Withdrawal of all US troops from South Vietnam in 60 days.
-Waiver by the government of South Vietnam to recover the part of the country that was in power of the Viet Cong / EVN.
-Demining of the United States from the main ports of North Vietnam.
-Stop bombing in North Vietnam by the United States.
-Possibility of the United States to continue helping its ally financially.
-Opening of negotiations between North Vietnam and the United States for the repatriation of those missing in combat.
-Departure of the government of South Vietnam from President Nguyen Van Thieu.
-Supervision of agreements by military (Canadian and Indonesian for the western part, Hungarian and Polish for the eastern part).
-Celebration of free elections in South Vietnam.