i thin the answer is economic effects of the industrial revolution
* increase in population of cities
* lack of city planning
* loss of family stability
* expansion of middle class
* harsh conditions for laborers
* workers' progress versus laissez faire attitudes
* improved standard of living
* creation of new jobs
* encouragement of technological progress
Social effects of the industrial revolution...
*economic effects from the industrial revolution...
*new inventions and development of factories
* rapidly growing industry in the 1800s
* increased production and higher demand for raw materials
* growth of world wide trade
* population explosion and expanding labor force
* exploitation of mineral resources
* highly developed banking and investment system
*advances in transportation, agriculture, and communication
political effects of the industrial revolution
* child labor laws to end abuses
* reformers urging equal distribution of wealth
* trade unions formed
* social reform movements
* reform bills in Parliament and Congress
Step-by-step explanation: