an editorial
Step-by-step explanation:
relating to the commissioning or preparing of material for publication.
"a pillar of scholarly publishing and editorial excellence"
a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue.
An advertisement is an item in a newspaper, on television, on the internet, or in a public place, which tries to persuade you to buy something, or which gives you information about an event or job vacancy. He bought the game after seeing an advertisement on TV. They placed an advertisement for a sales assistant.
[ˈadvərˌtīzmənt, ədˈvərdizmənt]
a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.
"advertisements for alcoholic drinks" · [more]
notice · announcement · bulletin · commercial · promotion · blurb · write-up · display · poster · leaflet · pamphlet · flyer · bill · handbill · handout · circular · brochure · sign · placard · folder · dodger · affiche · ad · push · plug · puff · bumf · advert
(advertisement for)
a person or thing regarded as a means of recommending something.
"unhappy clients are not a good advertisement for the company"
favorable mention · piece of publicity · favorable review · promotion · recommendation · commendation · mention · good word · commercial · push · ad · boost · advert
a notice to readers in a book.
A news story is a written or recorded (or, occasionally, live) article or interview that informs the public about current events, concerns, or ideas.You don't usually write the story – though sometimes local media will use exactly what words you give them – but you provide story ideas to journalists who then flesh out your idea to create the story as it appears.
A feature article is a piece that conveys information and detail about a person or phenomenon. It is not an opportunity for you to give your opinion on a topic. Rather, your personality is conveyed through your writing style. 8
This passage is an example of an editorial
Explanation: An editorial presents information and contains investigation and facts but it differs from the news story since it is biased and it has the purpose of appeal to the audience, here the writer will expose their point of view, based on the acquired and expressed information and it could have two styles it could be informative or entertaining.