Asia is the biggest continent out of all the continents.
Step-by-step explanation:
- The continent of Asia houses 'most number of countries' in the world. Three countries out of the 'top ten biggest countries' in the world are a part of Asia.
The area statistics of the continents are as below:
- Asia - '44,391,162' sq. kilometers or '17,139,445' sq. miles.
- Africa - '30,244,049' sq. kilometers or '11,677,239' sq. miles.
- North America - '24,247,039' sq. kilometers or '9,361,791' sq. miles.
- South America - '17,821,029' sq. kilometers or '6,880,706' sq. miles.
- Antarctica - '14,245,000' sq. kilometers or '5,500,000' sq. miles.
- Europe - '10,354,636' sq. kilometers or '3,997,929' sq. miles.
- Australia - '7,686,850' sq. kilometers or '2,967,124' sq. miles.