The correct answer is: Our football coach gathered us together. He told us to run laps, lift weights, and then scrimmage.
A faulty coordination happens when two coordinated clauses of unequal importance are joined by "and" or another coordinating conjunction, making it's meaning illogical.
Faulty coordination can be corrected by putting unrelated ideas into a separate sentence, putting a less important or dependent clause into a dependent clause and reducing an unimportant idea into phrase.
Faulty coordination:
Our football coach gathered us together and told us to run laps, and then he made us lift weights, and then he said we had to scrimmage.
We correct the faulty coordination putting the unrelated ideas into a separe sentence:
Instead of: Our football coach gathered us together and told us to run laps. We use: Our football coach gathered us, He told us to run laps.
Then we put the less important or dependent clauses into a dependent clause using commas and the word and. He told us to run laps, lift weights, and then scrimmage.