One could argue that the Soviet Union provided a threat to America's global power and influence during the Cold War. However, in terms of military engagement, there was no real threat at the beginning of the Cold War. America was fearful that the communist system would continue to spread throughout Europe. This would directly affect America's global political and economic power, as the Soviet Union used a communist system. This system would restrict the economic opportunities of individuals controlled by the Soviet Union.
The US was right not to use military power to end it. Consider the Cuban Missile Crisis. If we attacked Cuba (where there were Soviet missiles) and didn't destroy all their missiles, they could launch an attack that could kill millions of Americans within minutes. This possibility of all out nuclear warfare would endanger the entire world, not just the US and Soviet Union.
I think this diplomatic measure is the best way to end the similar situation we have with North Korea right now. This would result in no soldier deaths, no civilian deaths, and would make the world a safer place.