Well in similar terms the smarter you are the more grief you will endure. For example you like this guy, but you know that he isn't a Christian, but he makes you super happy. A stupid person would date the guy anyway knowing it is going to end terribly and will probably hurt there relationship with God. while the wise person would walk away even if they truly cared about that person, because they are wise enough to pick God in this situation. It night break that person heart to do so, but they are being wise. Do in this case wisdom is grief. Honestly the more you know the harder life can get something, because hard decision have to be made and in making those decisions you can loose friends, became less popular, or even have to end a relationship, but that is where wise comes in to place. It is a gift from God that should be cherished. Yes much sorrow comes from doing what's right, but in the end that is what truly matters. I hop this helps