The word Anesthesiology is derived from the Greek, from the prefix an which means without and from the word aesthesis which means sensation, literally loss of sensation. The first time the word anesthesia is used, we can find it in a play by Plato titled Timaeus.
Step-by-step explanation:
Anesthesiology is the medical science that deals with pain relief and the overall care of the surgical patient before, during and after surgery. The term anesthesia means absence of sensitivity and sensation. Thanks to the conditions of maximum safety offered by current technology and medical science, the patient can be operated without perceiving any type of pain, remain or not awake during anesthesia and regardless of the duration of their intervention.
Currently, the specialty includes other areas of action in addition to the operating room in which the anesthesiologist is part of a team: the management of critical and polytraumatized patients, the management of chronic pain, the relief of pain in childbirth, the assistance of certain procedures and emergency situations.
The anesthesiologist will be your family doctor in the operating room, so you must know in depth the state of health of the patient prior to anesthesia.
Not all anesthesias are the same, the patient's age, medication received, fasting hours, etc. are important, as well as the type of surgery to undergo.