- A malicious attitude due to the sense that the intent of the reference to prison architecture is such a careless remark intended to purposefully attack.
Step-by-step explanation:
In Once Upon a Time, a family is so dreadful of outcasts from the underclass that they assemble a high divider around their home and top it with razor wire to endeavor to feel safe. Be that as it may, their divider doesn't protect them: their child attempts to climb the divider, gets tangled in the razor wire, and is slaughtered. The divider harms the family as opposed to helping them.
The story's contention is between the need individuals have for wellbeing and security and the truth that building dividers can't protect us. The contention, consequently, is between the craving to grasp a shortsighted, "fantasy" answer for the mind boggling issue of managing individuals who are extraordinary, and the methodology that may prompt genuine security: doing the diligent work of making authentic associations that assemble trust and compatibility between various gatherings of people.