1. Prior to his arrest, he did protests to end racial segragation. What prompted him to write the letter was to show everyone that he was there. He wants to write every detail as to why he was there.
2. The letter was eventually intended for the African-Americans. His audience were those who were discriminated.
3. Dr. King went to Birmingham to end racial segragation.
4. The first step in a nonviolent campaign is the collection of facts to determine if injustice exists. Next is negotiation. The third step is self-purification. And the last step is direct action.
5. It would show that African-Americans are civilized. Dr. King also wants everyone to step-up from racism and oppression.
6. Dr. King believes that now is the time to act. He stated that the Negro community must be motivated to fight for change and for equality.
7. According to him, "a just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law." In other words, a just law is the rightful law while an unjust law is the chaotic one.
8. He thinks that everything that Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal and what Hungarian freedom fighters did to Jews was illegal.
9. An extremist is someone who extremely acts upon belief. He fights for what she thinks is right. King labeled Jesus as the extremist for love and justice.
10. The Birmingham police unfairly treated the blacks, women and children. The police was abusive and did not give them food whenever they ask. They slap and kick them whenever they want.