Caliban should not be more appreciative of Prospero because he took him under his wing when he arrived on the island.
Step-by-step explanation:
Prospero taught him how to speak and cared for him, and in return, Caliban showed Prospero his island. However, Prospero betrays him by imprisoning Caliban in a tiny cave and taking the island for himself. Prospero also abuses Caliban if he doesn’t do as he is told. “If thou neglect'st or dost unwillingly/What I command, I'll rack thee with old cramps/Fill all thy bones with aches, make thee roar/That beasts shall tremble at thy din." (Act I, Scene II). Although Prospero shows kindness by teaching Caliban his language, his abuse towards Caliban outways any positive notions. It becomes solid reasoning in support of the idea that Caliban should not be more appreciative of Prospero.