(i) I will create a budget so that I am in control of my money. This will help me have a spending plan whereby I will spend less than I earn. It is a way of stop asking where my money is and start thinking where I will take my money. I have to categorise my spending whereby I categories Netflix, food, rent, and going out with friends.
(ii) I will ditch debt for good. Me and debts it is like I have never seriously hit off. I will have to make a plan of paying off to avoid financial chain and ball. First I will have to make a list of all loans and take note of each balances interest rates. I will focus first to pay the debt which has the highest interest and by doing so I will find myself paying less interest.
(iii) I will have to save for a goal I have. I will have to save money for my personal goals. For example, if I wanted to buy a car I will have to save for it. By doing so I will help me spend money while I am pursuing my dreams.