Answer: Rosa Parks was born in Alabama in 1913, at the time when severe racism and slavery was existing. Rosa was 30 years old when she joined National Association for the Advancement of colored people (NAACP). The organization was fighting for civil rights for colored people in that time. In those time, the social injustice towards black and white was very prominent. School buses were only for white children while colored children had to walk to schools. Similarly, the bus had segregated sections for white and black. white passengers could use front seats while black people were only allowed to use back seats. One day, Rosa Parks was traveling via bus in cleveland avenue after working tired-some in Montgomery department store. In the bus, she sat in the front row of the colored section. yet, she along with other three people were asked by the driver to free the front seat and move back to the back seats. Other three people did accordingly, while Rosa refused to leave the seat. For this reason, Rosa was fined 10$. which was big sum for that time and was arrested.
This was act of courage since those time were very biased for colored people. However, Rosa's moral and courageous act inflame the civil rights movement for the colored people.The African American community boycotted the montgomery buses which last for 381 days. Martin Luther King junior got nationwide fame during this period of boycott which help to shed more light on the discrimination against colored people in America. In response to the spreading civil rights movement, the Montgomery changes the transportation law with no segregation between white and colored passengers.
To remain adamant to the righteous belief against societal injustice, Rosa must have strong mental ability and determinant nature. It was not the mere act of defiance or unwillingness, Rosa did risk facing legal consequences, physical abuses and harassment as woman. In the time of disobedience to move back to back seats, Rosa parks was tired from all day work, so she could have choose to remain silent and move back to back seats, but since she was active member of NAACP and fighting against discrimination, she had chosen to rebel than rest. It required both moral and physical courage to stand for rights knowing the deadly consequences in that time of discrimination.
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