The right answer is False.
The energy efficiency of converting solar energy into biochemical energy through photosynthesis in plants is generally around 3 to 6%. Absorbed light that is not converted to metabolic energy is essentially dissipated as heat, with a small fraction (1 to 2%) being re-emitted by fluorescence from chlorophyll at a longer wavelength - hence, more red as incident light.
The typical decomposition of global energy losses during the photosynthetic process by terrestrial plants can be summarized as follows:
* 47% of the incident energy can not be absorbed by chlorophyll, whose active domain covers wavelengths between 400 and 700 nm, which leaves only 53% of the incident energy;
* 30% of the energy received in the wavelength range of 400 to 700 nm does not reach the reaction centers in the chloroplasts, leaving only 37% of the incident energy;
* 24% of the energy received by the reaction centers is lost by the fact that only the fraction of energy corresponding to 700 nm of each photon is absorbed, the energy supplement corresponding to the lower wavelengths not being used, leaving only 28.2% of the incident energy;
* 68% of the energy absorbed by the reaction centers is lost during the conversion to glucose, leaving only 9% of the incident energy;
* 35 to 45% of the glucose thus produced is consumed by photorespiration, which leaves less than 5 to 6% of the incident energy.