The lists that arranges the Earth's compositional layers in order of increasing density is crust, mantle, and then core.
Earth's Main Layers From the Surface to Interior 1. The Crust : The outer skin of the planet is composed of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock. The crust is divided into continental or oceanic based on composition and formation. . 2. The Mantle: The layer directly below the crust which is delineated from the crust by the Mohorovicic Discontinuity, where seismic waves increase in velocity. The division between the mantle and the crust is a chemical one, the rocks and constituent minerals being higher in magnesium and lower in silicon and aluminum than crustal rocks. The mantle comprises 84% of Earth's volume. . 3. The Outer Core: The outer core lies at a depth from 2900 km to 5150 km. It's composed of liquid iron and nickel along with small amounts of lighter elements, with temperatures ranging from 4,000 degrees C to 6,100 degrees C near the boundary with the inner core. . 4. The Inner Core: From the boundary with the outer core to the center of the Earth, a distance of about 1220 km is the solid sphere of the inner core, a ball of incredibly hot iron-nickel alloy. Temperatures here reach between 5,000 and 7,000 degrees C, and pressures are calculated to be around 3,000,000 units of atmospheric pressure.
Hope this helps!