The American Civil War in the 19th century between the North and the South was a good indication to the world of how truly divided America was. America didn’t start off as a cohesive industrial powerhouse owning most of North America, and it took time and effort to get that way. At the time, the most noticeable difference between the North and the South were the opposing sides’ economies. In the North, the economy was industrial, meaning that they produced a lot of raw materials and goods that you wouldn’t get from farming. The South differed from this as their economy was more of an agricultural style. This meant that the economy was primarily based off of goods obtained from farming.
The political standpoints of the North and South had direct correlations to what each side’s economy was based off of. The North opposed the idea of slavery while the South supported it as slavery fueled their economy. This is the main reason the North supported Jackson and his Democratic party while the South supported the Know-Nothing party (aka the Whigs). The goal of the Democrats was to abolish slavery and to support civil rights, but the Know-Nothing party needed slavery to continue in order to keep their economy from collapsing.
The social structure of the opposing regions was related to the political views of each side. Slavery was the main topic when regarding social structure in the North and the South, which is why the opposing sides both had completely opposite ideas. The South’s economy relied on slavery, thus their political views supported slavery, and their social structure supported slavery. The North however, did not rely on slavery for its economy, thus its political views opposed slavery, and their social structure didn’t include slavery.