5/6, 29/36, 2/5, 13/14, 19/21, 1/2, 4/9
Fraction means a part of any number of equal parts.
It is easier to determine the size of a fraction when the determinator is the same. In that sense , the numerator with higher number is larger and vice versa.
But when a group of fraction has different denominator , it calls for an indpth analysis.
Group 1 = 5/6
Group 2= 29/36 , 5/12 = 29/36
Group 3 = 3/8 , 2/5 = 2/5
Group 4 = 19/45. 5/7, 13/14 = 13/14
Group 5 = 19/21 , 7/11 = 19/21
Group 6 =9/121, 1/2, 3/18, 4/9 =1/2
Group 7 =4/9