John Constable created hundreds of thumbnail sketches and studies before beginning a final piece
Answer: TRUE
Step-by-step explanation:
John Constable was an English Romantic artist. Born in Suffolk, he is remembered especially for his landscape sketches of Dedham Vale, the region enclosing his home - now identified as "Constable Country"- which he entrusted with an enthusiasm of passion. "I should compose my own areas immeasurable", he communicated to his companion John Fisher in 1821, "composition is but the different term for believing".
His most well-known compositions comprise Dedham Vale of 1802 and The Hay Wain of 1821. Although his compositions are now amidst the various traditional and important in British art, he was nevermore financially prosperous and did not enhance a fragment of the substantiation till he was selected to the Royal Academy at the age of 52. He contracted more sketches in France than in his mother England.