Cincuenta y tres más veintitrés es setenta y seis.
Step-by-step explanation:
Cincuenta y tres más veintitrés es setenta y seis. In English cincuenta y tres is fifty three whereas veintitrés is twenty three. Fifty three plus twenty three is seventy six.
In Spanish numbers have some differences from numbers in English. For example, all the "twenties" are written together: veintiuno, veintidós, veintitrés, veinticuatro, etcetera. Apart from that, numbers finished with "one" may change gender: cincuenta y uno, or cincuenta y una. Hundreds may also change gender: doscientos pesos or doscientas monedas, for example. Finally, note that in Spanish there's an "y" that connect composed numbers, while in English there isn't: setenta y seis. In English it's just seventy six.