The Holocaust (sometimes referred to Shoah), was a genocide during World War II in which Hitler's army (The Nazi) to kill hundreds of European Jews. The Holocaust lasted Jan 30, 1933- May 8, 1945. Around January 30th was when Hitler came into power, that's how the Holocaust started. They basically treated the Jews like slaves. A lot of the Jews escaped from the European area to the U.S. I believe that's how the U.S got involved in World War II.
Once World War II began in 1939, Jews were required to wear the yellow Star of David on their clothing. This made it easier for them to be recognized by the Nazis.The Holocaust did not end until 1945 when the Allies defeated the Nazis.
I learned that the Holocaust was a historical event that shows that Hitler was a dictator and all he cared about was power and strength. He killed a lot of Jews and other people. He is the main reason why we had World War II.
Hope this helped :)
Have a great day