China had to give up the Hong Kong territory to British control, it has to open treaty ports to foreign traders, and forced to grant special rights to the non-natives functioning within the treaty ports.
Step-by-step explanation:
In Chinese history, during the mid of 19th century, the Opium wars were a critical point in time. From 1839 to 1942, the Opium War-I was a war between China and Britain. In Opium War-II, during 1850s, the incapacitated China fought against both France and Great Britain. The results of both the wars was not favorable to China, it lost the wars.
This defeat were a bitter pill for China to swallow. Added to this, the government of China had to step back as the British improved their opium trade to the people of China. The Great Britain did this as a free trade by name and without considering the consequences faced by the Chinese government and people.