The answer to the question: ¿cuándo usas "e" en vez de "y"? ¿cuándo usar "u" en vez de "o"? is:
- The vowel "e" is used instead of the word "y" when the next mentioned word starts with the sound of the vowel "i" in Spanish.
- The vowel "u" is used instead of the word "o" when the next mentioned word starts with the sound of the vowel "o" in Spanish.
Step-by-step explanation:
In Spanish there are two very particular cases called:
1. Change of the word "y": which occurs when the conjunction "y" is transformed into "e", this occurs when:
- The following word begins with the sound "i", either by a word in Spanish or in a foreign language whose pronunciation also begins with that sound:
- Solo debes saber leer, tiempo e imaginación.
2. Change of the word "o": Occurs when the conjunction "o" becomes "u", this occurs because:
- The word that is used after the conjunction "o" begins with that sound.
- Prefieres dirigir u organizar.