First, find the smallest possible denominator between the two fractions. The smallest one is 20.
Now, both denominators need to become 20. To get the 5 in 1/5 to become 20, it needs to be multiplied by 4. Whatever you do to the denominator, you must do to the numerator.
1 x 4 = 4
The first fraction is now 4/20.
To get the 4 in 2/4 to become 20, you must multiply it by 5. Whatever you do to the denominator, you must do to the numerator.
2 x 5 = 10
The second fraction is now 10/20.
Add the fractions. Keep the denominators the same and add the numerators.
4/20 + 10/20 = 14/20
Simplify by dividing both numbers by 2