Step-by-step explanation:
American English is one of the most unique accents in the world if we look at how they pronounce the words and how they added some word that was not there in the English language and also how they cut the words, in short, I think it is safe to say that their English is way different from the one of the rest of the world, and all this helped or contributes to how they behave I can say contributes to their culture, America is a country full of different ethnicities and this which brings to how they have different cultures and also different behaviors and different accents when speaking English, but here I want to focus to the people born and raised in America how the how the American English reflects their culture I would say their language and the way they speak have a big affection on their culture because that's how they communicate and know what they are talking about americans tend to talk faster and cutting words short which is way different from other countries that use the english language which is to say that thats how the american culture is and thats how they talk whiich i think its beautifull. now contrasting British English and American English, first of all, the first thing you hear is the accent it is way different from each other, and both sounds beautiful, the way how British and American vocabulary is different because first of all, they use an accent to speak. also, they pronounce several words different example we can say the but British people say the along with a so it's like thee and that's one example how they differ according to "learning English VOA news" the most noticeable difference between American English and British English is the vocabulary there are hundreds of everyday words that are different for example, brits call the front of the car the bonnet, while Americans call it the hood Americans say go on vacation while the British people say go on holidays or sometimes they say hols when they want to cut it short, there are far more examples than we can talk about here. fortunately, most Americans and the British can usually guess the meaning through the context of a sentence. there are a few grammatical differences between the two varieties of English we can say like there are collective nouns used to refer to groups of individuals and many more.