Conveyances means vehicles or transports. The context clue to help you here is the appositive phrase that lists vehicles.
Vanquish means to defeat or conquer. The context clue here is that the enemy forces "conquered his army instead". This tells us that the duke's goal was what the enemy actually accomplished.
Herpetologist means person who studies reptiles. The context clue here is "studying the reptiles".
Step-by-step explanation:
Conveyances means vehicles or transports. The context clue to help you here is the appositive phrase that lists vehicles.
Vanquish means to defeat or conquer. The context clue here is that the enemy forces "conquered his army instead". This tells us that the duke's goal was what the enemy actually accomplished.
Herpetologist means person who studies reptiles. The context clue here is "studying the reptiles".