Answer: Fools and foolishness are important themes in Twelfth Night. The difference between the two kinds of fools in the play may sound the same but they are very different. In the play, there are some who are called fools because of their obsession and determination for something that they'll never have. For example: In the play, Duke Orsino is a fool because he won't stop trying to make Olivia his wife. He acts stubbornly even though Olivia has already rejected him. This is an example of a fool who isn't stupid, but obsessed this leads him to do foolish things. The other type of fool in the play was the fool who didn't take into account what others wanted only what he wanted and thought himself superior to the rest. Also, that type of fool tries to take advantage of the rest and is rude. For example: In the play, Malvolio is a fool because he only wants to marry Olivia for her money and wants to take advantage of her. he is also a fool because he thinks he is superior to the rest so he thinks every girl wants to be his wife including Olivia. This leads Malvolio to make foolish actions and embarrass himself.