The correct answer is C. Predicate noun
Step-by-step explanation:
In grammar, a complement refers to a word or set of words that are necessary to explain the verb of the sentence or complete its meaning. In the case of subject complements, these are complements placed after linking verbs such as be, like, become, feel or seem that completes the meaning of the verb by referring to the subject of the sentence, for example in the sentence "she became a doctor" the subject complement is "a doctor" and these words complement the meaning of the verb "became" but mainly refer or replace the subject "she". Because of this, subject complement are also called predicate nouns, considering they do not show a specific action or work as direct or indirect objects, but provide information of the subject by renaming it which is exactly what a predicate does, as predicates only complete ideas about the subject and this type predicate uses a noun to complete the idea. Considering this, it can be concluded a subject complement is also known as a predicate noun.