the reason why there were problems with urbanization is because, for 1 as urban populations grew, governmental facilities were not prepared for such a massive boom in population, combined with them not having much sanitation systems, and indoor piping, which forced people to fetch water from a pumping reservoir, yet it was also infected with cholera, which lived in unsanitary conditions, which helped it prosper. Crime was really rampant due to police forces really not existing yet proper, which led to outdated systems attempting to police crime, such as thief takers, and etc, which led to the rise of jonathan wild, which used his underground connections to find stolen items, so he could sell it to his customers. Improper garbage disposal led to outbreaks of diseases. Whilst fires proved a problem due to most housing not being concrete, but wood, which helped spark the chicago fires, in 1800s, and 1900s, which led to most of the city being set to flame.
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