In a scatterplot you add a point for every data entry and do not connect them via lines or anything else.
You also labeled you axis already correct, so you pretty much only have to decide on the scale you want to use for the y-axis/number of offices.
You can choose between a relative scale similar to the years, starting at some point and ending at some or an absolute one which starts at 0.
The advantage of the first one is the "zoomed in" view, showing differences more clearly the other doesn't warp the absolute size.
For an absolute scale decide on the end (because it starts with 0) and then divide that range by the amount of squares to get your step height. I used 80000 as the end which resulted in steps of 4000 with each square.
With the relative scale its similar, round the max&min values of the data and decide on some step width (by dividing by your vertical graph height and rounding again). I used 3000 with 80000 and 20000 as the end and start of the axis.
Once you have your scale and both axis are labeled you only have to draw the points.
I added two pictures what the result should look like.