The BRIC's development has impacted the United States in terms of economics and labour in different ways. Those countries (Brasil, Russia, India and China) are some of the fastest growing countries right now, and they usually have a labour cost which is inferior to the United States, so many factories have moved to these places, making a lot of people losing their jobs. BRIC also have become the places where many goods are made, that are exported to the US.
The aspects of our economy (labour costs, production value, and corporate productivity) that are impacted by the BRIC's competitive production, are labour cost for sure, as corporations are always trying to reduce costs, and also production value because of production in BRIC costs significantly less than in the US.
The rise in personal consumerism in these nations impact U.S. production especially in those goods that are only made in the US, thus growing the US production for such as demands are increasing in these countries too. Moreover, as globalisation become bigger, every economy nations is tied to one another, as certain parts or excellence are continued to be made in certain places, impacting so the US production.