The right answer is b) Nicolaus Copernicus .
Copernicus was born on February 19th, 1473, in Torun, Polish Prussia, the son of a merchant, youngest child of four. For his time Copernicus was exceptionally educated. He studied mathematics and geometry at Crakow, Greek at Bologna, medicine at Padua in ltaly and became Doctor of Canon Law at Ferrara in 1503.
Copernicus was committed to a heliostat (stationary sun) conception of the universe. Such a model, to be true, would require the earth to rotate daily on its axis and to revolve annually about the sun, which Copernicus located near the center of the universe—hence the term heliocentric (sun-centered) is often used to indicate the Copernican departure from the dominant geocentric (earth-centered) view of the cosmos associated with the second-century (AD) astronomer Ptolemy. Copernicus’s ideas were circulated first among friends in a brief treatise called e Commentariolus (1530). Then, in 1543, the year of his death, his complete argument for the motion of the earth was published as De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres).