Spammers can infiltrate and use email notifications to camouflage malicious links.
Step-by-step explanation:
A spammer is the one who sends spam emails to someone else. Spammer can send same email to a number of recipients many times over many days. Spammers gather email addresses from websites, newsgroups, chat rooms, and viruses that collect users address books. These gathered email addresses are often sold to other spammers. The main incentive of all spammers is money. Even the occurrence of new laws to control spam has not much effect on spammers.
Email spam also called junk email is unwanted bulk messages that are sent by spammer. Spamming also exerts on other media like internet forums, instant messaging, mobile text messaging etc. Spam email might be a malicious try to get access to someone's computer.
Spammers can be difficult to locate and stop as they can send spam email from botnets. Spammers often include links to the spam email or some attached files to verify that a person's email is legal. The links sent by spammers may contain malicious web pages or downloads. These malicious links can affect a person's computer with malware.