Rising ocean temperatures can result in several effects, which can be measured in terms of impacts on the rest of the climate system. One is the rise in sea level. If the temperature of the ocean rises, it will inevitably rise to sea level, either by volumetric expansion or by mass increase due to melting of polar layers or continental ice. Another also important effect is on pH interference. Seawater is basic, increasing the temperature - resulting from rising CO2 in the atmosphere - will increase acidity and this will lead to very drastic interference with the ecosystem, including a possible reduction in biodiversity. Not to mention that with the increase in acidity, brings a reduction in the ocean's ability to absorb CO2. This will lead to a rise in temperature and further acidification.
In addition, the rise in ocean temperature also interferes with the ocean's circulation pattern. As the ocean circulation pattern changes, changes occur in the way the ocean contributes to heat redistribution and changes in local temperature in some regions. Some areas will get colder than they are today and some will get warmer.