1) CME describes the unusually large release of plasma from the sun's corona
2) X and Y are both within the solar system.
Step-by-step explanation:
1) The coronoid mass ejection (CME) is a wave of radiation and solar wind released from the sun during the maximum solar activity.
This is a very dangerous wave because it might cause huge damages to the electrical system and the communication system on earth.
The coronoid mass ejection throw important quantities of material and electromagnetic radiation, beyond the solar surface.
The ejected material is plasma from the sun´s corona composed principally of electrons and protons, and might also have small quantities of heavier particles such as helium, oxygen and even iron.
2) X and Y are both within the solar system.
The farthest distance from the sun belongs to Pluton, which is located at 39.53 AU away from the sun. X and Y are located at 30.2 AU, which means that they are within the solar system.
Considering that 1 AU = 1,58125e-5 light-years, then Z might be located outside the solar system.