1. Sensory memory refers to the initial momentary recording of information in our sensory systems.
2. When you remenber the words to a song you gear on the radio, this ir usually the result of echoic memory.
3. Most theories of memory distinguish three types of memory.
4. Iconic memory refers to which sensory sistem? Visual
5. George Miller suggested that humans can hold approcimatly how many units of information at one time? Seven
6. Semantic memory refers to our general knowledge of the world, and of all the facts we know.
7. Which of the following is an exampke of episodic memory? Your high school prom
8. The primacy effect causes people to recall the first few items in a series.
9. Reading a book on how to play the guitar is an example of what type of memory? Declarative
10- The capacity of long-term memory seems to be infinite.