Well, the first printing press was actually brought to America by my great great great grandpa (or something) in 1638, called the "Gutenberg" printing press invented by non-other than "Johannes Gutenberg" (how original). It was then examined by inventors and modified over the years, at that time it was used to write books and newspapers, fun fact, the "Gutenberg" printing press was used to write the first ever printed bible. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century came the modifying, It did not change much in shape though, it did not get lighter, if anything it got heavier, but it was progress, the new modification turned the "Gutenberg" press into the same version, but in cast iron instead of wood, so same thing but heavier. Now, the real progress, lies with a man named "Earl Stanhope", in 1800 he invented the "Stanhope" press (common guys wheres the originality?) made completely out out of cast iron, it was the first book press. However the new press had a series of levers that gave the printer, or pressman quite a lot of extra power. In 1816 A man named "George Clymer" invented the first "Colombian Printing Press" (well, at least he didn't name it after himself, that's a little originality), This new press was also an iron hand press, although while the "Gutenberg" press could only print about 100 and hour the "Colombian" Press could print 250 pages an hour. After about 200 years of work and modifying, the technology of the printing press has really grown. From the original, "Gutenberg" press, to the type writer to the computer, to the laptop, and finally to the touch screen phone, the history of the printing press is truly a fascinating one.
Teachers like corny endings (voice of experience) I hope you get an A+ because that was a heck of alot of work lol. Oh, by the way, sorry it took so long. (seriously if you get an a or an c or an d let me know ok? (: )