1. After the roll of thunder, we should get out of the water.
This is correct because the comma comes after the introductory prepositional phrase: "After the roll of thunder". The first option is wrong because it should have a comma after the introductory phrase: "Lost in thought". Option 2 has an comma that tries to be after the introductory phrase but it's in the wrong spot; it should be after mother. The third should have the comma after then interjection "Oh".
2. People in some cities drink water from the lakes, but this water is the first purified.
This group of options is all about whether or not you know how to use a comma with a conjunction to join two complete ideas. The comma must be before the conjunction NOT after. Option 1 is missing the comma before "and". Option 2 should not have a comma after "but". In option 4 the comma should be before "or" not after.