Zlata and her father were afraid for the life of Zlata's mother because they were living a very dangerous situation with little chance of survival. Because Zatla's mother was a much loved person, they were afraid that she would die.
Step-by-step explanation:
Zlata Filipović is the author of the book The Diary of Zlata, in which she recounts the horrors she witnessed during the war in Sarajevo from 1992 to 1995.
During her childhood in Sarajevo, Zlata, the only daughter of Malik and Alica Filipovic, used to take piano and singing lessons in the choir, liked to play tennis during the summer and ski during the winter.
Unlike many friends and family who left Sarajevo with the arrival of the war in 1992, Zlata and her parents made the decision to stay together. The way of life became primitive, without water, electricity or gasoline, and food supplies were extremely limited. At the time, UNICEF was urging the children to keep their diaries during the war to show their work. Through Zlata's school, her diary was discovered and selected for publication in 1993. Almost immediately, the diary received enormous publicity and Zlata was proclaimed the "Anne Frank of Sarajevo," a title that always left her uncomfortable because, unlike Anne , she was fortunate enough to survive. Zlata and her family took refuge in Paris in December of 1993. After spending a season in England, they moved to Dublin, Ireland.