Hello! For this question, we will be adding fractions. To do this, we will convert fractions by finding the LCD. It's like finding the LCM. A multiple is the product gotten from muliplying that number by another Let's list out the multiples.
3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
5: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
As we can see, they both have a multiple of 15. The LCM is 15 and that number will be used as our denominator. Let's convert. 2/5 becomes 6/15 and 1/3 becomes 5/15. There. We've converted the fractions. Now, let's add. 6/15 + 5/15 is 11/15. There. Emily has cut off 11/15 of her hair altogether.