1. popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, and federalism.
2. Under federalism, power is divided between national and state governments. Both levels have their own agencies and officials, and pass laws that directly affect citizens. This was devised because the people were afraid to give all the power to a central government, federalism offered a middle ground on the subject. Montesquieu believed in a separation of powers consisting of three branches, the federal government consisting of a legislative, executive and judicial branch. Each philosophy further separated the power of the federal government, making it so that each branch keeps the other in check, as with each citizen keeping the government under check. Montesquieu balanced the branches, the separation of powers balanced the government.
3. a system that allows each branch of a government to amend or veto acts of another branch so as to prevent any one branch from exerting too much power.
6. consitiutional amendment or new law