The correct answers are "1. Sumer, First written language", "2. Assyria, Sexagesimal numbering system", "3. Babylonia, Dividing a circle into 360 degrees", "4. Hittite, Iron chariots" and "5. Persia, Advances in algebra and chemistry"
Step-by-step explanation:
Sumer, Assyria, Babylonia, Hittite and Persia are ancient civilization that brung improvements to humanity by different means. Sumer created the cuneiform system, the earliest known writing system, which can be tracked to about 8,000 BC. Assyria was responsible on dividing the hours into 60 minutes and minutes into 60 seconds in what is known as the sexagesimal numbering system. Babylonia developed the Babylonian mathematics, perfecting the sexagesimal system of Assyria and including the dividing the circle into 360 degrees. Hittite, successfully used iron chariots for military purposes. Persia made important contributions to algebra and chemistry, including the creation of the wind-power machine, and the process of alcohol distillation.