1. Image map
Typically, web pages use different types of inline images. An image map defines one or more areas as hotspots and is a special type of inline image. For instance, every hotspot in an image map is able to link to a different page.
2. Headings
Once the Web page structure is set, you can now enter content of the web page informational text paragraphs and headings. Headings separate text or add new topics on the page. Headings are indicated by the tags <h1> all through to <h6>
3. Deprecated tags
By default, W3C supports 3 document types for XHTML HTML, frameset, transitional, and strict. Strict is specified when you want to illegalize use of deprecated tags. Deprecated tags are tags that W3C has earmarked for eventual removal from their specifications because these tags have been replaced by much more newer and functional tags.
4. Frameset document type
As mentioned above in question 3, W3C supports 3 document types for XHTML HTML, frameset, transitional, and strict. Frameset document type is used to support frames on a page and allows the use of deprecated tags.
5. Definition list
Definition list is an example of a list that offsets info in a dictionary like style. They are not often used as compared to unordered and ordered lists and are important in creating a glossary like list of definitions and items.
6. Virus.
A virus is a malicious software code that multiplies and replicates by copying itself to another application, document, boot sector and changes how a computer should operate. Typically, a computer virus cannot reproduce without programming a document or a file.
7. Width Attribute
This attribute specifies the width of an image and the height specifies the height of an image. Both are measured in pixels and the value must always be in pixel. It specifies the width of a cell attribute and is used to set a predefined width of a cell.
8. Alt attribute
Commonly used with the <img> tag, the alt attribute specifies an alternate image or text, if the image is not in a position to be displayed. The required alt attribute provides info of an image if a user for known or unknown reasons cannot view it.
9. Color property
It defines the text for an HTML element. It is specified by the color name, a HEX value and an RGB value. The most common ways amongst these three is the HEX value. You can also use color name by replacing the HEX code with the name of the color.
10. Source Code
Source code is that HTML code which is translated into a graphical web page by a browser. It is possible to view the source code for any page from within the web browser. Using this feature, it can help one check his or her own code or for another developer.