Joshua followed after Moses since his youth. As Moses’ assistant, Joshua had the experience of being in close proximity to the Lord. After Moses would finish meeting with God, Joshua would remain the tent.
Joshua was among the 12 spies Moses sent out into the land of Canaan. Only Joshua and Caleb came back with a positive report admonishing the people to have faith in God. They were threatened with stoning because of their testimony. The other ten spies were killed by plague and everyone over the age of 20 except Joshua and Caleb would wander the desert until the last one died.
Joshua was a warrior for God. He was first mentioned in the Bible when Moses called upon him to lead the Israelites in a battle against the Amalekites. In this amazing struggle he was victorious as long as Moses’ hands were lifted. His incredible faith was also revealed in the extraordinary miracle of the sun holding still so that he could finish the battle. Under Joshua’s leadership the mighty fortress of Jericho was reduced to rubble. After his conquests for the Lord, the entire nation of Israel was at rest from their enemies.
Joshua was gifted with the spirit of leadership to take the Israelites to the Promised Land. God confirmed his position with the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River. At the end of his life, Joshua encouraged the people to choose God over all else. He did everything that God commanded Moses to get done. Under Joshua’s leadership “Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled” (Joshua 21:45).
Wouldn’t it be great to see every one of God’s promises fulfilled in your life as it was with Joshua and the Israelites? God hasn’t called His people to live sorrowful, defeated lives, but rather for us to rise up and conquer our enemies. We need to be in the same zone of spiritual warfare as was Joshua.
hope this help heaps!!