It looks great so far! Let me put it in my own way.
Hello, Mrs Roosevelt! (Dear, Mrs Roosevelt) My name is Joseph. I am a young boy who needs help with food and clothes since My Dad lost his annoying job. My Mom just got fired from making mistakes on making cakes at the bakery. And Unfortunately, my Brother's truck broke down! so we can't go anywhere at all. And I am not sure what's gonna happen next. Though, I won't give up and I will believe in all hope I can. I mean this letter sincerely. Think about it what if you were tied up in my shoes? with nothing to loose. I hope you hear me now...I am really hungry for food and I really need clothes! please help...I know there's always gonna be a time when we get in a situation but there's always gonna be a way to fix it but...I am never gonna be smiling like I once used to until I have something to eat and cloth myself with...
Sincerely, Joseph Dennis