1. States the topic and attitude or opinion of the speaker - Thesis
Thesis- Thesis refers to the statement which put forwards own belief and what is intended to prove. A good thesis statement helps to focus on important information.
2. Characteristic of informal conversation - Colloquial
Colloquial- it refers to the familiar or ordinary conversation rather of formal writing or speech.
For example, he'll be right.
Pass the buck
3. An expression of sympathy - Condolence
Condolence- condolence refers to the action of sympathy, mainly referring to the events of death.
For example: "We are sorry to hear about your loss" or "My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family."
4. Overused; worn-out - trite.
Trite- it refers to which is expresses often and is dull to be interesting.
For example: Not to sound trite, you have to clean your room daily.
5. Thoroughly skilled; expert - adept.
Adept- it refers to the skills to do something by having natural ability.
For example, she is very adept in playing the piano.
6. An expression of greeting - salutation.
Salutation- it refers to the utterance or gesture made as an acknowledgment of arrival or departure of someone.
For example: good morning, dear sir, etc.
7. Mouth, nose, and nasal passages - Resonators
Resonators- it refers to the scientific instrument which increases the resonance of the sound.
8. Vocal cords - vibrators
9. Bone in the ear also called the hammer - malleus.
Malleus- it refers to the hammer-shaped small bone of middle ear attached to the eardrum. It transmits the vibrations to the incus from the eardrum.
10. Bone in the ear also called the anvil - incus
Incus- a small bone in anvil-shaped in the middle ear, between stapes and malleus it transmits the vibrations.