The best answer to the question: Odysseus plans a surprise attack on the suitors from within the palace. Odysseus will enter disguised as a beggar and Telemachus will hide the palace´s arms where the suitors cannot easily reach them... What would have happened if Odysseus had not arrived in disguise?, would be: Odysseus would not have been able to determine who was loyal.
Step-by-step explanation:
In fact, it is in this way that both his most trusted servants, the swineherd and the sheperdherd were discovered as being completely trustworthy, in the adventure of "The Odyssey" by Homer. Odysseus has been told of what awaits him in his home in Ithaca, where he is King, the amount of suitors who wish to marry his wife, Penelope. He also learns that without disguising himself, he will be killed outright, by sheer numbers. So, Athena herself helps him to disguise himself as a beggar, who will be the least likely person to raise any suspicions from the suitors. However, it will also ensure that only those who truly knew him, and loved him, and were loyal, would be able to see beyong the disguise, and that is exactly what happens before Odysseus´ plan is put into effect.