Short answer:
Unfortunately, there is no closed solution for the given problem!
A better precision of the solution is 0.7390851332151607.
However, if you need a much higher precision, you can work with Newton's method that allows you to calculate the value of the solution to any degree of accuracy you want, provided you have the tools (computer software) to work with the precision you need.
This is how it works.
f(x) = cos(x)-x = 0
f'(x) = -sin(x) -1
Given an initial approximation of solution x0=0.7, we calculate the next approximation using Newton's formula:
In the present case, using a crude starting approximation of x=0.7, we can calculate successively better approximation using very few approximations, or iterations. Digits in bold indicate accurate digits.
Seeing that accuracy increases by doubling digits, we increase the calculation precision to 100 digits.
From now on, we can only determine the number of accurate digits by comparing with the next iteratioin.
We see that both x6 and x7 are accurate up to 100 digits.
In fact, we can obtain up to 1000 digits of accuracy with just about 10 iterations. Even less iterations if we start with a better estimate instead of the crude one of 0.7.